Plant Range
Plant selections:
Tropical foliage! If you live in the tropics, go tropical!
Add vibrance and colour and a lush,cooling effect with a variety of plants suitable for a range of conditions.
Create that resort style living landscape.
Create shade with trees and palms add a range of bromeliads, cordylines, heliconia, gingers, palms, crotons and understory shrubs, groundcovers and grasses and lillies.
Find our selection of tropical plants on our current availability list.
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Native plants! Hedges, Edges, Ground covers, Grasses, Trees
Boundary grows an extensive range of native plants suitable for urban landscape designed spaces, revegetation areas and bi retention basins.
Natives include: *a selected OZBREED range of shrubs, grasses, groundcovers, and one of Australias most popular trees Luscious® Tristaniopsis laurina 'DOW10' pbr
*Popular hybridized Aussie natives suitable for our humid climate.
*We can also advise on selection of local endemic species for specific sites.
* Front line Coastal plants.
Plant sizes from tube stock to advanced plants. We can grow quantity to order for specific jobs.
All plants are sun grown on site in our sub-tropical climate on the beautiful Capricorn Coast.
Advanced trees!
The advanced section includes
Ranges of advanced trees from 45L to 500L.
Our range includes street trees, shade and feature trees and palms.
We produce trees suitable for the sub tropics, coastal and central western Queensland and beyond.
We deliver to site throughout central and western Queensland or we can arrange transport